(250) 494-0531

(250) 494-0778

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Reducing pain depends on the cause. For example, cuts and scrapes require a different pain solution than post-surgical pain or sports injuries. Pain management delivers on-target anti-inflammatory relief for post-surgical, and trauma patients.

Types of Pain Therapy

  • Massage therapy
  • Cold/Compression therapy
  • Ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatories
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Stretching
  • Alternative therapies – acupuncture, THC/CBD, and biofeedback
cryo cuff
cyro cuff cooler
Cryo Cuff Ice Cooling System For Pain Relief
Beyond light stretching and rest, a very effective way to manage pain caused bursitis, arthritis and repetitive work injuries, is cryotherapy. Ice packs, applied for 10 minutes, removed for 10 minutes then reapplied are very effective and non-invasive. We invite you to explore the possibility of using our Cryo Cuff ice cooling system, an integrated cold and compression device proven to reduce swelling and regain range of motion (ROM). ROM and flexibility are very important to regain after injuries to prevent further complications like frozen shoulder syndrome. Our Cryo Cuff Ice Cooling System is easy to use, and ideal for post-operative recovery and home use. Accessories sold with this device target specific points to treat shoulder, knee, and other painful areas. If you have any questions on how to manage your pain, we invite you to contact us to talk with one of our pharmacists.